Veepeak – Cheapest OBD2 scanner that actually WORKS!

Veepeak should be your first choice if you are looking to buy your first OBD scanner. You can get an amazing load of value for just under $20 with this adapter paired with some free onboard diagnostic software.

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@iamcarhacker recommends


9 Our Score

Veepeak is the cheapest adapter that works without any connection issues, supporting all main OBD protocols.

You need a specific one for Android and iOS. Scroll down to see which is for your phone.


  • Cheap
  • Support all protocols
  • Easy to use


  • Nothing for the price

Get the best price

Here are multiple stores where you can get Veepeak. Check them out to get the best deal possible.

Who tested product & wrote this review?

Juraj Lukacko

Tester & Editor for this review: Juraj Lukacko

Hello, I am Juraj (Yuri) and I tested this product to help you decide if it is something you would want to buy, and if yes, show you how to use it.

I make honest reviews based on personal testing in my own garage and If I see the product is bad, I will make it very clear in review.

Read more about how I do reviews on in my review policy.

Which Veepeak adapter to buy?

Remember that there are 3 different adapters and you need to choose one that can work with your operating systems.

For OSAmazonAliexpress
Veepeak for Android
Veepeak for iOS
Veepeak OBDcheck (works for both)

I tested a lot of different Bluetooth OBD scanners

I tested more than 30 different Bluetooth OBD scanners, so the review is crafted based on the level of value it can give you for money spent. Here is a list of the Best Bluetooth OBD scanners.

What apps work with Veepeak

1. Car Scanner ELM OBD2

I can say that this is the best smartphone OBD2 app without any doubt. Not that it can do all global OBD functions, but it also adds a ton of other features like multiple engine live data graphs, full scan, or even ECU coding for some car models. Check the full review of the Car Scanner app.

2. Torque

Another great app and one of the first ones I remember from when I first tried an OBD scanner. Slightly less functionality than a Car Scanner, but for someone it can be a better fit. It can also record your driving routines and display them later on a map. Check out more about the Torque app.

3. Carista

Carista lets you use ECU coding to modify your vehicle. They have their own adapter, but the app also works with Veepeak and I was able to do customizations like deactivating seatbelt alarm or allowing window operation from the keyfob for my Toyota Corolla.

veepeak ble
Using Veepeak BLE to disable check engine on my Fabia II


Connection TypeBluetooth
Device typeBluetooth adapter
Need extra deviceSmartphone (iOS/Android)
Need internetNo
Own softwareNo
Can use 3rd party softwareYes
Vehicle coverageAll
Global OBD ModesYes
Live data graphsYes
Data loggingYes
Scan other modulesYes (some)
Diagnostic report PDFNo
Full live dataNo
Service ProceduresNo
ECU codingYes (with paid app)
Full review + video
Price range$0-50
Current price

Free PDF: How to choose OBD2 scanner

buyers guide popup

I’ve made you a free PDF to choose the OBD2 scanner in 5 minutes.

✅ Which OBD2 scanner is best?
✅ Which type should you get (DIY, Pro, Hobby)
✅ What is the best scanner for the exact brand/feature (e.g best for BMW)
✅ How to get a Bi-Directional tool for as cheap as $40
✅ Discount coupons for scanners

PDF is 100% free and it is designed to help you pick a scanner in less than a few minutes! Not a boring 50-page guide. 

Just tell me where to send it.

10 thoughts on “Veepeak – Cheapest OBD2 scanner that actually WORKS!”

  1. Hello, would you say Veepeak (with Car Scanner ELM OBD2) is a safe way to clear DTCs and reset the “check engine” light? I have Nissan 2003 and an Android phone.

    I guess I prefer the cheapest way to do this so I already bought an ultra cheap “elm327” bluetooth adapter. But then I learned more and became aware that it might(?) make things worse if I try to clear the codes. So I haven’t even tried it. But maybe Veepeak + Car Scanner app is safe? Thanks.

      • Thank you for your reply! Do you think a simple $5 dollar “elm327” adapter is safe too, just to clear codes? If yes, I’ll probably try that. And perhaps I’ll order VeePeak or OBDlink MX+ later.

        Oh one more thing, the page car-scanner-codes is not working.


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