Mucar VO7 Review | BEST budget scan tool

I bought the Mucar V07 since it is basically my favorite Bluetooth scanner Thinkdiag2 in the tablet version. It might be actually a better deal to buy VO7 since you are also getting 3-years of free updates and even though it’s on the cheaper end of scan tools, it surprised me with OEM functionality like unlocking hidden features on Toyota/Lexus or full VCDS-Like features for VAG cars.

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@iamcarhacker recommends

Mucar VO7

10 My Rating

It’s one of the cheapest scan tools on the market but it does everything you need, even more advanced functions like ECU coding or OEM functionality, for example, long coding/adaptations for VAG cars.


  • Full system scan + PDF report
  • 28+ service procedures
  • ECU Coding (even OEM VAG)
  • Camera
  • Good vehicle coverage


  • Have not found anything yet

Who tested product & wrote this review?

Juraj Lukacko

Tester & Editor for this review: Juraj Lukacko

Hello, I am Juraj (Yuri) and I tested this product to help you decide if it is something you would want to buy, and if yes, show you how to use it.

I make honest reviews based on personal testing in my own garage and If I see the product is bad, I will make it very clear in review.

Read more about how I do reviews on in my review policy.

Testing Mucar V07

As I said in the intro, Mucar V07 is similar to Thinkdiag2 which I used for a long time as my go-to professional scanner but the tablet scanner is after all faster.

With a 3-free update period, it makes more sense to go with Mucar V07 or even upgrade to Mucar V08 which has free lifetime updates.

Good for a used car check

Mucar VO7 Report PDF

This is a standard in Bi-Directional scan tools but crafting a PDF car health report from your full scan is very useful for used car checks.

And then what is not standard in tools in this price range is the level of OEM functionality I got. For example, I am able to use long coding/adaptations for VAG cars.

This is functionality I know from VAG-specific scanners but not from all-brand scan tools.


Connection TypeBluetooth
Device typeScan tool
Need extra deviceNo
Need internetFor some functuonality
Own softwareYes
Can use 3rd party softwareNo
Subscription/UpdateFor some functionality
Vehicle coverage94 brands
Global OBD ModesYes
Live data graphsYes (4v1)
Data loggingNo (only with screen recording)
Scan other modulesYes
Diagnostic report PDFYes
Full live dataYes
Service Procedures28+
ECU codingYes
Full review + video
Price range$250-500
Current price

Free PDF: How to choose OBD2 scanner

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✅ Which type should you get (DIY, Pro, Hobby)
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