Ancel AD410 PRO OBD+Battery | Owner’s Review

Ancel AD410 is an interesting tool that can not only scan your car for faults but also run tests for your battery and alternator. I tested it as both a code reader and battery tester and here is what I found.

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Sponsored Warning: I got this product for free to make a review. Despite that, I provide an honest review based on personal testing and share my truthful opinion of the product. Read more in sponsor policy.

@iamcarhacker recommends

Ancel AD410 PRO

8.5 My Rating

It is similar to the Ancel AD530, which I already use but on top of that, it comes with a battery testing extension.

You can use it not only for reading/clearing the check engine but also to test your whole charging system.


  • All OBD functionality
  • Battery & alternator testing
  • Shows possible causes for faults
  • A lot of languages to choose from
  • Rubber protective case


  • Higher price compared to code readers

Who tested product & wrote this review?

Juraj Lukacko

Tester & Editor for this review: Juraj Lukacko

Hello, I am Juraj (Yuri) and I tested this product to help you decide if it is something you would want to buy, and if yes, show you how to use it.

I make honest reviews based on personal testing in my own garage and If I see the product is bad, I will make it very clear in review.

Read more about how I do reviews on in my review policy.

Find the best price

VIDEO: Ancel AD410 Testing and Review

Example of a bad battery

This is an old battery from my garage. A bad battery will have a low health %.

ancel ad410 pro battery check

You can also have a battery with good health, but low on charge.


Connection TypeWired
Device typeCode reader + Battery tester
Need extra deviceNo
Need internetNo
Own softwareYes
Can use 3rd party softwareNo
Subscription/UpdateFree updates
Vehicle coverageAll with OBD2
Global OBD ModesAll
Live data graphs3v1
Data loggingYes
Scan other modulesNo
Diagnostic report PDFNo
Full live dataNo
Service ProceduresNo
ECU codingNo
Full review + video
Price range$50-100
Current price

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